Sub-Zero Classic Series (BI) Water Filter Bypass Plug
- How is the water filter bypass plug, part number 7011209, installed or removed?
- Is the by pass plug covered under warranty?
- What is the part number for the bypass plug?
Part Information
- The water filter bypass plug, part number 7011209, bypasses the water filter on Classic Series (BI) units with a push-in pull-out filter.
- Units with a twist-in filter do not need a bypass plug.
- Push-in pull-out filters have two prongs. Twist-in filters have one.
- See Classic Water Filter Part Number to determine which filter the product uses.
Installation Information
- Refer to Water Filter Bypass Plug Instructions (7011209) for detailed installation instructions.
- Bypass plugs are installed and removed the same way as the push in, pull out filters. Press in until you hear a click, and then release.
- The bypass plug is not changed regularly and is designed to stay in place. Only remove the plug if a water filter is going to be installed in its place.
- If reverting back to using a water filter, reactivate the filter life monitor by pressing the water filter reset button five times within seven seconds.
- Note: Sub-Zero's warranty does not cover the cost of the bypass plug or any related installation costs.
- If water is leaking from the bypass plug, remove and inspect the plug for cracks or damage.
- Refer to Water Leaking from Water Filter for further troubleshooting.
Additional Resources
- Classic Series Bypass Water Filter
- Sub-Zero Water Filter Performance Information
- Sub-Zero Ice and Water Dispenser Cleaning Instructions
The water filter bypass plug can be ordered from the Sub-Zero Accessory Store, or from a Factory Certified Parts Distributor.

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