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Convection Steam Oven (CSO24, CSO30) Water Test Strips


  • Where to purchase additional water test strips
  • What are the test strips for that came with the Convection Steam Oven (CSO24, CSO30)?
  • Do any changes need to be made to the CSO based off water hardness?
  • How to use the CSO water test strip?
  • Water test strip instructions
  • Change the water hardness setting on the CSO
  • Part number 826639


The Convection Steam Oven (CSO) comes with a water hardness test strip. Use the test strip to evaluate the home's water hardness to help accurately adjust the settings of the CSO.

Water Test Instructions:

  1. Open the water test strip package, and remove the water test strip.
  2. Pass test strip under a stream of water for 1 second and remove.
  3. Shake off excess water.
  4. Wait 15 seconds.
  5. Compare color change on test pad to color chart (on water test strip package).
  6. Use results to program CSO water hardness setting.
Water HardnessParts Per Million (PPM)
SoftLess than 60 ppm
Medium60 - 120 ppm
Hard120+ ppm

Change Water Hardness Setting:

The water hardness is set through the User Settings menu.

Refer to the product Use and Care Guide for further information.


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