Pappardelle Noodles
Pappardelle Noodles
Fresh, homemade pasta is always a treat. We have included instructions for preparing the dough by food processor and by hand - either method will provide excellent results.
Preparation Method
Making dough using a food processor:
- Add all ingredients to food processor and pulse until crumbly.
- Pour contents onto a clean, dry counter and knead until firm and elastic, about 10 minutes. Dust hands with flour as necessary.
- Cover with plastic wrap and let rest for at least 20 minutes.
Making dough by hand:
- On a cold surface, pour flour into a mound and then use a fork to form a well in the center. Add salt and olive oil to the center of the well.
- In a small bowl, gently whisk eggs.
- Add a third of the whisked eggs into the well. Gradually incorporate flour into the eggs using a fork. Once incorporated, add another third, careful not to let the eggs run out of the well. Continue mixing into the flour.
- Add the remaining egg, combining until the dough is crumbly.
- Once all the egg is incorporated, begin forming a ball with floured hands. Knead the dough until firm and elastic, about 10 minutes. Dust hands with flour as necessary.
- Wrap in plastic wrap and rest for at least 20 minutes.
Rolling the dough:
- Roll the rested dough through a pasta machine until desired thickness, setting 5 or 6 on most pasta machines.
- Send the dough through the pasta machine’s cutting attachment or cut by hand: lightly flour and then fold the dough accordion style before slicing into your desired width. After slicing, gently toss the pasta with your hands to separate the noodles.
Cooking Pasta:
- Bring a large pot of water to a boil over high heat.
- Once the water boils, salt the water, add the pasta, reduce heat slightly, and cook until al dente, 3–4 minutes.
- Strain the cooked pasta and toss with your desired sauce and serve.