Replace Model IC-27 with Model IC-30 or IC-24
- Are the opening size, electrical requirements, water location, and panels the same for model IC-27R or IC-27F and model IC-30R(ID), IC-30FI, IC-24R, or IC-24FI?
- Do panels transfer from an old unit to a new unit?
- Can panels be reused on a new unit?
- Is there a direct new product replacement for column model IC-27R or IC-27FI?
- IC-27 compatibility
Sub-Zero does not make a direct replacement for models IC-27R or IC-27FI.
- The Designer products are not the same size.
- Changing from an IC-27 unit to a new product requires modifications.
- Similar units are IC-30R(ID), IC-30FI, IC-24R, or IC-24FI.
Opening Size | Electrical Requirements | Water Requirements |
- The panels from model IC-27R or IC-27F do not fit replacement models IC-30R(ID), IC-30FI, IC-24R, or IC-24FI.
Refer to the Sub-Zero Design Guide for design specifications and product Installation Guide for further installation information.
IC-30 and IC-24 Sales Accessories
Contact a Local Dealer for further sales information.

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