648PRO, PRO3650, and PRO4850 90° Door Stop
- How to stop the door from opening past 90 degrees
- How to install the 90° door stop on a 648PRO, PRO3650, and PRO4850 model
- Part number 0000046
- Instruction sheet 3758687
- List of components included with this kit
- How do you install the 90-degree door stop on a 648PRO?
- How to stop the door from opening past 90° on a PRO 36 and PRO 48
- Standard door opening
PRO Series Refrigeration 90 Degree Door Stop Instructions detail the installation process. For troubleshooting, see 648PRO, PRO3650, and PRO4850 90° Door Stop Troubleshooting.
- PRO and 648PRO Series door stops are not included with the unit but available separately as a no charge sales accessory.
- Installation instructions come with the part.
- The door stop cannot be adjusted to open more or less than 90°.
- The standard door opening is to 135°.
- Although the opening is more restrictive at 90°, all shelving and drawers can be fully accessed with the door open to this degree.
- The door stop part # is 0000046.
Contact a Factory Certified Parts Distributor to order parts.

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