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UE: 047 Unit Installed Outside of US


  • What is a UE: 047?
  • Unit installed outside of US - No Warranty
  • Unit with a UE: 047 ticket in Saleslogix


UE: 047 is a Saleslogix ticket subject indicating the unit was purchased in the United States and shipped to a different country. Therefore, the unit has no factory warranty.

SZG - East:

  • Sells product through legitimate channels to Bermuda.  These products will show East as the distributor and will have a UE: 047 ticket.  The product carries a warranty offered by East and the customer must contact the distributor to determine warranty.

SZG – Southeast:

  • Sells product through legitimate channels to the Caribbean.  These products will show Southeast as the distributor and will have a UE: 047 ticket.  The product carries a warranty offered by Southeast and the customer must contact the distributor to determine warranty.

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