Stainless Steel Is Scratched
- Hairline scratches on stainless steel
- Stainless steel is scratched
- How to remove scratches from stainless steel
- How to remove protective coating or markings on stainless steel
- Stainless steel is streaked or discolored
- Scratches have developed and are visible on the stainless steel surface.
Verify Damage
Small scratches on stainless steel can happen with regular use.
- Sometimes scratches look like a smudge. Polish the stainless steel first to determine if the scratch is still visible.
It is not normal for a new stainless steel unit to have scratches.
- Inspect the scratch closely, as the brushed grain direction of the stainless steel may appear like hairline scratches. This is considered normal.
Scratch Repair
Some Factory Certified Service companies can repair minor stainless steel scratches.
- Not all service companies do this type of cosmetic repair, and may suggest part replacement as a primary option.
- Contact a Factory Certified Parts Distributor to order replacement parts if needed.
If you are comfortable doing repairs, Sub-Zero recommends the following for repair and removal of small scratches and minor discoloration:
- Signature Polish: For polishing the surface to help minimize scratches. For scratches and stains over large surface areas, such as refrigerator or freezer doors, Sub-Zero recommends using Signature Polish only and does not recommend using Penny Brite.
- Penny Brite: For cleaning burn marks, heat stains, or fine scratches from risers and cooktops over small areas only.
- Penny Brite is recommended only for small scratches and stains, as it can cause slight discoloration.
- Penny Brite is abrasive and needs to be used according to package directions.
Depending on the size, depth and location of deep or large scratches, a metal refinishing company may be able to resolve the issue. Search for a metal refinishing company locally.
Additional Resources
- Refer to Clean Stainless Steel and Platinum for streaking or discoloration issues.
- Cosmetic Damage Warranty
- Stainless Steel Specifications
If these steps do not resolve the issue, no further customer troubleshooting advice is available. Contact Factory Certified Service to schedule an appointment for repair.

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