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Sub-Zero Group Owner's App Cove Dishwasher Alerts and Notifications


  • What notifications will the Sub-Zero Group Owner's App display for Cove Dishwasher units?
  • Sub-Zero Group Owner's App dishwashing notifications
  • List of notifications for Cove units using the owner's app
  • Cove dishwasher System Failure alert


Turn notifications on or off in the device (phone or tablet) notification settings.

  • Turn notifications for the Sub-Zero Group Owner's App on or off to enable or disable notifications.
  • Notifications stay as an alert on the device (phone or tablet) until the app is opened.
  • Notification settings are unique to each mobile device, rather than per account.
  • After opening the app, the notification (red bubble on Apple products) disappears as does the notification from notification history.

Individual notifications or appliances can be selected to turn on or off. 

  1. Tap the appliance from the My Appliances screen.
  2. Tap the Settings icon.
  3. Tap Notifications to expand the section.
  4. Tap Notifications Settings. 
  5. Toggle the Appliance Notifications slider to On. 
    • To customize which notifications should be sent to this device, toggle the individual notification type desired to On.

Refer to the Sub-Zero Group Owner's App Quick Start Guide for more information.


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